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Call for Papers & Posters

CAPCSD's 2025 Annual Conference, theme ATL: Advancing Teaching & Learning, April 23-26, 2025, Atlanta Marriott Marquis

Entrance to Woodruff Park in Atlanta with red tulips and ATL abstract artwork

Woodruff Park, Atlanta, GA
Credit: © 2018, Gene Phillips, Courtesy of ACVB &



Dates:         Wednesday, April 23 - Saturday, April 26, 2025
Venue:        Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA
Webpage:  Coming soon!

Call for Papers

Submission Window:  Friday, August 30 - Monday, September 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET
Accepting: Topic-related presentation submissions for 60-minute and 90-minute papers, 30-minute posters, and 60-minute virtual conference papers.

New for 2025 Annual Conference

Watch this 7:37 minute video to hear from Vice President for Professional Development, Heidi Verticchio, and Conference Planning Committee Chair, Leanna Lawrence, about what to expect in the Call for Papers process this year!

In June 2024, the Conference Planning Committee took the feedback received through conference evaluations and requests from board members to provide transparency in CAPCSD's annual conference Call for Papers/Posters procedures and has implemented the following changes for the 2025 Annual Conference.

  1. Evaluation Rubric and rating information are posted on CAPCSD website and on the Cadmium (submission portal) log in page.
  2. Each submission will be reviewed by three individuals.
  3. Submitter names will be blinded to reviewers.
  4. Individuals may submit multiple Call for Papers proposals but will not be selected to present more than twice at the conference among all types of sessions (plenary, call for papers, invited, standing).
  5. Individuals may be listed as authors on more than two selected submissions, but may not present during more than two sessions.
  6. A recording will be available for interested submitters to hear from the Conference Chair and VP Professional Development about the Call for Papers and what the Conference Planning Committee is seeking within the submissions.
  7. Individuals from CAPCSD member programs are encouraged to volunteer to be reviewers of submissions. Apply to be a reviewer here from August 6 - September 13, 2024.

Important Dates

Monday, September 30, 2024:

  • 11:59 PM ET - Deadline for submissions of all paper and poster proposals.

Friday, November 15, 2024:

  • All first authors with an accepted paper/poster will receive an email from the Conference Planning Committee.
  • First authors are responsible for notifying additional authors, if applicable.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024:

  • Deadline for ALL authors of accepted submissions to complete the CAPCSD conference speaker tasks including contact information, financial and non-financial relationships disclosures.


ATL: Advancing Teaching & Learning



Best Practices in Clinical Supervision

Curriculum Considerations

Effective Teaching Strategies

Simulation in CSD

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Inclusion in CSD

Check out additional information about each topic below!

Best Practices in Clinical Supervision

Content Focus: Strategies, methodologies, and frameworks for enhancing the quality and effectiveness of clinical supervision in CSD

Potential Session Topics:

  • Establishing mentorship and supervision models that promote professional growth and competence
  • Addressing challenges in clinical supervision and implementing solutions
  • Utilizing feedback mechanisms to improve supervisory practices
  • Ethical considerations and responsibilities in clinical supervision

Curriculum Considerations

Content Focus: Designing coursework to prepare students for diverse career paths within CSD, such as Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLP-A), Audiology Assistants, Master's in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP), and PhD and other doctoral degrees (AuD, SLP-D, EdD)

Potential Session Topics:

  • Structuring foundational courses that are relevant across different CSD disciplines
  • Tailoring elective courses to align with specific career tracks (e.g., SLP-A, AuD)
  • Integrating clinical exposure and practical experiences early in the undergraduate curriculum
  • Addressing the evolving needs of undergraduate students entering the field


Effective Teaching Strategies

Content Focus: Effective educational methodologies that enhance student engagement, critical thinking, and long-term retention in CSD programs

Potential Session Topics:

  • Applying principles of adult learning theory in CSD education
  • Implementing student-centered approaches to foster independence and professionalism
  • Case studies on successful integration of problem-based learning (PBL) into CSD curricula
  • Assessing outcomes and student satisfaction with different teaching methodologies (e.g., competency-based learning versus traditional time-based instruction)

Simulation in CSD 

Content Focus: Utilizing simulation as a tool to enhance clinical training and prepare students for real-world scenarios in CSD

Potential Session Topics:

  • Effectiveness of simulations in CSD education 
  • Integrating simulation into clinical training for skill development
  • Case studies and best practices from institutions using simulation in CSD programs
  • Challenges and future directions in simulation-based learning for CSD

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Content Focus: Exploring the current and potential uses of AI in diagnosis, treatment, and research within the field of CSD

Potential Session Topics:

  • AI technologies for speech and language assessment
  • AI-driven tools for therapy and intervention planning
  • Ethical considerations and implications of AI in CSD practice
  • Collaborations between CSD professionals and AI developers

Inclusion in CSD

Content Focus: Expanding knowledge of cultural humility and cultural sensitivity to ensure culturally-responsive practice, information on neurodiversity-affirming approaches, generational differences, and inclusive teaching strategies. This focus will explore methods to integrate these concepts into the curriculum, foster an inclusive learning environment, and prepare students to effectively engage with diverse populations in their professional practice.

Potential Session Topics:

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Supporting Neurodiverse Students
  • Accommodating Student Needs
  • Designing an Inclusive Curriculum
  • Student and Faculty Voices on Inclusion

Submission Requirements

Complete the submission and provide the requested information and responses.

    1. Contact information for all authors, including email address, physical address, office and cell phone numbers, title, and employer.
      Note: The first author listed will be the main contact for the submission.
    2. Title that does not exceed 14 words
    3. Selection of one of the 2025 conference topics - Exhibitors select Exhibitor option
    4. Type of Presentation: research or professional education
    5. Track(s): academic, clinical, administrative
    6. Professional area: SLP, AuD, Both
    7. Target audience(s): department chairs, clinical directors, program directors, graduate directors, general faculty
    8. Other presentation formats you are willing to present (if any) should the presentation format you originally selected (90-minute, 60-minute, 30-minute poster, 60-Minute Exhibitor Session) be unavailable - Exhibitors select 'No Other Format.'
    9. Certification standard category (if applicable) should the proposal content be more than 50% in one of the certification standard CEU categories (DEI, Ethics, Supervision, N/A)
    10. Abstract of 125 words or fewer
    11. Three learning objectives
    12. Presentation information for evaluation (1,000 word maximum):
        1) Share additional information about this proposed session.
      • 2) Why should someone attend this session?
      • 3) How does the session address the components listed in the rubric?


Rubric for Evaluation of Submissions


  • Is the purpose of the proposed presentation clearly stated?
  • Are the objectives of the presentation well-defined?
  • Is the proposed methodology or approach clearly outlined?

Research Professional Education
The purpose and objectives should clearly state the research questions or hypotheses. The purpose is clearly stated and learning outcomes are defined.
The approach or methodology for addressing the research questions or hypotheses is stated. The approach or methodology for delivering the educational content effectively is stated.


  • Does the proposal offer a novel perspective or approach?
  • Is the topic of the proposed presentation relevant and timely?
  • Does the proposal address a gap in the literature or offer new insights?

Research Professional Education
The proposal should offer a novel perspective, approach, or methodology. The proposal should include innovative teaching methods (academic and/or clinical) or perspectives on professional development.
The topic should be relevant to current issues in the field and timely in addressing gaps or emerging trends in literature. The topic is relevant to current issues or practices in the field and timely in addressing gaps or emerging trends in the literature.


  • Does the proposed presentation align with the conference theme or one of the call for papers topics?
  • Is the topic of the presentation appropriate for the target audience of the conference?

Research Professional Education
The presentation should align with the conference theme or a specific call for papers topic. The presentation should align with the conference theme or a specific call for papers topic.
The content should be appropriate for the academic and research-focused audience of the conference. The content should be appropriate and beneficial for the professional audience of the conference.


  • Does the proposal outline a feasible plan for conducting the research or preparing the presentation?
  • Are the proposed methods appropriate for addressing the research questions or objectives?
  • Is there a clear timeline for completing the work before the conference?

Research Professional Education
The proposal should outline a feasible plan for conducting the research within the given timeframe. The proposal should outline a feasible plan for preparing the presentation within the given timeframe.
The methods proposed should be suitable for addressing the research questions and generating valid findings. The proposal addresses the methods or instructional strategies to achieve the stated learning objectives.


  • What are the expected contributions of the proposed presentation?
  • How does the proposed presentation advance knowledge or practice in the field?
  • Are the potential outcomes or findings of the presentation clearly articulated?

Research Professional Education
The presentation should clearly articulate how it advances knowledge in the field or contributes new insights. The expected outcomes or findings should be clearly stated, indicating their potential impact on the field.
The presentation should clearly articulate how it advances knowledge in the field or contributes new insights. The expected outcomes or findings should be clearly stated, indicating their potential impact on the field.


  • Does the proposal indicate how the presentation will engage the audience?
  • Are there opportunities for audience interaction or participation suggested?
  • Does the proposal indicate how it will address questions or feedback from the audience?
  • Audience Response System (ARS) Information: Again in 2025, CAPCSD is using ARS. This tool will allow session attendees to submit questions live to the presenter through the conference app. All attendees can see the question submitted and click to upvote the questions which are most important to them. This allows the presenter to see the questions in a prioritized order based on audience request. > Which other methods will you incorporate into the presentation to make it interactive?

Research Professional Education
The proposal should indicate strategies for engaging the audience, such as discussion prompts or interactive components. The proposal should indicate strategies for engaging the audience, such as discussion prompts or interactive components.
The proposal indicates how participant questions or feedback will be addressed during or after the presentation to enhance audience participation. The proposal indicates how participant questions or feedback will be addressed during or after the presentation to enhance audience participation.


  • What is the overall quality and potential impact of the proposed presentation?
  • Does the proposal demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic and its relevance?
  • Does the presentation contribute to a designated call for papers topic?
  • Are there any potential areas for improvement or further clarification needed in the proposal?

Research Professional Education
The overall quality of the proposal. The overall quality of the proposal.
The proposal demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic and its relevance to the conference. The proposal demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic and its relevance to the conference.
The presentation aligns well with the conference's call for papers topics. The presentation aligns well with the conference's call for papers topics.
Are there any areas where the proposal could be improved or needs further clarification? Are there any areas where the proposal could be improved or needs further clarification?

Rating Information for Reviewers

  • Each item on the rubric will be ranked on a scale of 1-5 by three reviewers.
  • These scores will be averaged for each reviewer.
  • Total scores from three reviewers will be averaged.
  1. Does not meet expectations for the criteria in any way. Information is incomplete or absent.
  2. Information is present, but it is not complete or is inadequate for evaluation purposes.
  3. Adequately meets basic expectations for the criteria with room for improvement. Data is in progress.
  4. Meets expectations for the criteria, with sufficient detail and clarity. Minor improvements possible but overall strong.
  5. Outstanding in all respects; exceeds expectations for the criteria, is detailed, thorough and complete.


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