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2010 Conference Proceedings

The Great State of Technology:

Closing the Distance

Austin, TX
April 21-24, 2010

CAPCSD Board of Directors


Larry H. Small, Ph.D.
Bowling Green State University

Brooke Hallowell, Ph.D.
Ohio University

VP for Research and Academic Development
Craig Champlin, Ph.D.
University of Texas-Austin

Past President
Mikael D. Z. Kimelman, Ph.D.
Duquesne University

VP for Professional Development
Robert Hanyak, Au.D.
University of the Pacific

Neil DiSarno, Ph.D.
Missouri State University

VP for Communications
Cheryl Messick, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh

Melody Harrison, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

VP for Standards and Credentials
Michael Kimbarow, Ph.D.
San Jose State University

Click on the session title(s) below to download the paper.


Preconference: Possibilities for Effective Teaching Online
Jace Hargis

Issue A Distance Education Programs: Myth vs. Reality
Judith Page, Barbara Amster, Cindy Gill & Scott Griffiths

Clinical Swap Shop: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Mark DeRuiter and Michael Bamdad

Academic Swap Shop: Everything I Need to Know About Teaching, I Learned From Speech and Language Therapy
Tim Brackenbury and Paige Shaughnessy

CAA Update 2010
Glenn Waguespack and Susan Flesher

CFCC Update 2010
Mark DeRuiter, Ellen Reuler & Earl (Gip) Seaver

CAPCSD 2009 Research Doctoral Student Survey Update
Larry Small

Updates on Three Au.D. Programs: Purdue/IU School of Medicine, UT Dallas and Vanderbilt, and Immediate Challenges to Audiology Education and Hearing Health Care Delivery
Robert Novak, Ross Roeser, Carol Cokely & Linda Hood

Using Strengths to Renew, Refresh and Revive Your Leadership Team
Kathy Coufal, Ro Scudder, Julie Scherz & Laurie Haughey

Crisis Management - Student Tragedies
Luanne Andersson and Sue Ouellette

Multilingual/Multicultural Student Success
Elizabeth Pena and Lisa Bedore

Developing Writing Skills in Our Students
Elena Plante

CAPCSD MERLOT (the learning resource formerly known as LOEx): Updates and Demonstrations
Carol Dudding, Marty Fischer and Mike Flahive

Using Wimba, Wikis and Widgets to Enhance Teaching
Judith Vander Woude

How to Prevent Program Murder and Suicide How Far Have We Come?
Nan Ratner

An Evidence-Based Model of Developing Clinical Independence
Jill Duthie

Mentoring Junior Faculty
Craig Champlin

Best Practices for Chairs - How to be a GREAT Department Chair
Celia Hooper

Best Practices for Clinic Directors
Melissa Bruce and Kathy Hillenbrand

PhD Forum: Recruitment and Retention of PhD Students and New Faculty Members
Dianne Meyer and Rob Fox

Best Practices for Graduate Coordinators
Paula McGuire and Heidi Verticcio

Higher Education Data System (HES) Tutorial
Cheryl Messick, Loretta Nunez & Amy Eizeldin

CSDCAS Update & Future Directions
Richard Hurtig

NSSLHA for Chapter Advisors
MaryKate Harwood and Carlin Hageman

Successful Models of Academic Program Capacity Building in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
Colleen O'Rourke, Nancy Alarcon, Nancy Creaghead, & Linda Hood

Public & Private Third Party Payment Systems: Information for University Speech & Hearing Clinics
Kate Romanow and Lisa Scott

SimuCaseTM: Interactive Case Studies for Student Assessment
Stacy Williams

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