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CSDCAS Configuration

Each spring you have an opportunity to configure your Program Materials section in CSDCAS for the upcoming cycle. The Configuration Portal for CSDCAS 2024-2025 opened on April 8, 2024. The deadline to complete configurations and submit your program for review is June 14, 2024. Completing configurations by this deadline is critical to ensure your program will launch on our opening day of July 15, 2024 and begin to receive applications. If you do not wish to launch by July 15th, your completion of the configuration portals may be completed later. If they are submitted for review after this initial deadline, we recommend submitting them at least 2 weeks before you wish to open to allow for time to review and provide edits.

Steps to Completing Configuration:

  1. Log into the Configuration Portal in the WebAdMIT Prelaunch site.
  2. Review and edit your program branding, instructional text, prerequisites, and questions, if applicable.
  3. Preview your program to make sure that it looks the way you want it to.
  4. Take it out of Preview mode and then “Submit for Review” by June 14, 2024.

Logging Into Prelaunch:

  • Only primary contacts will have access to the Prelaunch configuration portal and will be responsible for completing the configurations. Usernames and passwords are the same as they are for the regular WebAdMIT site. Primary contacts can provide Prelaunch access to others as needed.
  • If you have never logged into WebAdMIT before and this is your first WebAdMIT account, you must contact WebAdMIT Support via phone to set up a Prelaunch password. They can be reached Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM EST at 857-304-2020.

Accessing the Configuration Portal from the PreLaunch Environment

  • To access the CSDCAS 2024-2025 cycle, make sure you have selected the 24-25 cycle from the drop down menu in the upper right on your dashboard. Once the 24-25 cycle is selected, click "CAS Configuration Portal" from the left-hand navigation.
  • If nothing happens when clicking the link, please ensure you have any popup blockers disabled as the configuration portal opens in a new window.
  • Remember: the Prelaunch environment can only be used to access the Configuration Portal. Any other activity, such as adding users, setting up local statuses or email templates, etc, will NOT carry over to the live WebAdMIT environment.

Editing Your Program & Submitting Configurations

  • Once your programs are configured, preview and submit your program for review. The CAPCSD/CSDCAS team will review and approve programs after they are set to the “Review” status. This step must be completed for your program to go live in the CSDCAS application.

Important Configuration Options for the 24-25 Cycle:

In the Program Details page, there are a number of items that you will need to configure.

Open Date and Deadline Date (response required)

    • You may open your application no earlier than July 15. Please be sure to review and update the open date if needed.
    • You may choose a deadline between July 15, 2024 and July 1, 2025. Deadlines should be on the 1st or the 15th of the month. You should not choose January 1st.

Deadline Definition (response required)

    • This allows you to communicate to your applicants how you define your deadline. Your options are:
      • Blue: Application submitted by deadline
      • Orange: Application and transcripts received by deadline
      • Green: Application verified by deadline

Multi-Select Designations (response required)

    • If your university has more than one program in CSDCAS, you can determine if applicants may choose only one program to apply to or if they will be allowed to apply to as many as they would like on the configuration portal.
    • If you only have one program designation, then you should select the single program option.

Organization Level Questions

    • If your organization has questions shared between various programs that need to be collected by your larger institution, you may wish to turn on organization level questions. If you wish to request this feature, please contact your account management team.

Supplemental Application Required (response required)

    • This section allows you to indicate if your university requires a supplemental application in addition to the CSDCAS application.

Supplemental Fee Required (response required)

    • This section allows you to indicate if your university collects a supplemental fee in addition to the CSDCAS fee.

GRE Required (response required)

    • This section allows you to indicate if your university requires the GRE.

Seats Available (response required)

    • This section is for CAPCSD data collection purposes only. Students will not see this information.

Kira Talent Integration

    • We offer an integration with Kira Talent, an asynchronous video interview platform. If you already have a Kira contract you can access the integration within the configuration portal. Read more about this integration here.

Configuration Portal Help and Training

  • The Configuration Portal Help Center is a searchable manual with step-by-step instructions in creating and customizing your programs; this is also accessible in WebAdMIT under the Usage Help panel, under Help Center.
  • Review the Configuration Portal on-demand course with videos on specific portions of the Configuration Portal; this is also accessible in WebAdMIT under the Usage Help panel, under WebAdMIT Configuration Portal Training Course.

Contact Us

For any questions, please contact the WebAdMIT Support team available Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM ET at 857-304-2020 or via email

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